10th DRM online 16/17 UW photography contest

10th DRM online 16/17 UW photography contest

Retra is supporting the 10th DRM online UW photography contest where you have a chance to win the LSD Ultimate.

You have until the 31st of January to find underwater photos from any time period (not just 2016) and submit them in categories: Underwater life, Underwater ambient or Fresh waters. You can also submit in just one category. There is no participation fee and we will award the first places in every category so make sure to join!

Find out more about the rules and how to send the images on this link.

The "DRM online" is an international competition for Underwater photographers hosted by DRM Ljubljana ("Društvo za Raziskovanje Morja" Ljubljana which means "Society for the Exploration of the Sea" located in the capital of Slovenia - Ljubljana). It is the oldest society for underwater activities in the region and was founded in Yugoslavia in the year 1952. This society organises two international "splash in" competitions every year (one in the Piran bay and one in the lake of Bled) and the online competition.

The story of Retra is closely connected to the members of this society and especially to the community of underwater photographers. It was the basis for innovations like the LSD and the uTrigger which many underwater photographers around the world are using today.

At Retra we are happy to support the competition and welcome you to participate!

You can also join the event on facebook, event link.

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